My wife Kyri, is not what we would call a good cook. Unlike me, she is not fond of cooking, she gets bored easily and she can't improvise....She is aware of this and she often says "Well, I'm a career woman....". I have to give her credit for one thing though....She knows how to make the best pasta with white sauce ever.....She makes it with veggies and the other day she added chicken in it and it was divine....So this post is dedicated to my career woman!
Ingredients (4 servings)
2 large onions chopped
fresh onion chopped
2 medium size green peppers cut in small strings
1 medium size orange or red pepper cut in small strings
3 large mushrooms cut in small pieces
canned corn
1 medium size broccoli
500ml fresh creams
60g butter
3 chicken breasts soaked in soy sauce for a couple of hours
salt, pepper, maggi cube
chopped parsley
white wine, half glass
Add butter in a large pan and fry for a couple of minutes. Add onions (not the fresh ones) and let them fry until they get a golden color. Then add peppers, mushrooms, corn, let them cook for a while and then add chicken (make sure you dont drain the soy sauce,it adds to the taste), salt, pepper and wine, mix and let them cook until chicken becomes light brown.
Then add fresh creams, stir well and right before it starts getting thick, add the broccoli and the fresh onions. Sauce needs another 5-7 minutes to cook in low heat.
The right time to start boiling the pasta is right before you add the fresh cream to the sauce mixture. Make sure you make the pasta (penne or any other kind but spaghetti) in a really large pot because you will need to pour sauce in it. Pasta needs ten minutes to cook (add salt or maggi if you like), drain water and add sauce in pot. Sprinkle the parsley, stir well and serve......
I would never imagine that Kyri could cook so complicated dishes!! The pasta looks delicious! Congratulations to the career wife!!!!
i have actually tasted this dish from the shef herself and it, indeed, tastes great! good one!
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